My passion to educate the public about nature-based medicine began early in my twenties, when western medicine had failed me, when I became severely ill, and was healed instead by an Acupuncturist and herbalist. While in medical school, I actively advocated for whole plant medicine and holistic healing modalities as the National Coordinator for the AMSA (American Medical Student Association) Alternative, Complementary and Humanistic Medicine task force for three years. Currently, I am a concierge Integrative Physician (trained in Family Practice) and a part-time Principal Investigator at a private research facility in Miami, Florida.
As a consumer and advocate of nature-based medicine for more than two decades, I believe I have the knowledge and a keen understanding of the exact kinds of people who will benefit from hemp-derived CBD products. More importantly, I am aware that you are in search of evidence-based research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine and a product that is both safe and effective.
As the founder of Hemp&Heroes, my team and I have developed this proprietary line of whole plant products in order to share with the world the medicinal healing power of the hemp plant, and to provide a platform for education and change.
I humbly believe that with less pain and suffering of the mind, body and spirit, hope resurfaces and innate healing follows, and this rippling effect of positive changes will have a deep social impact in the society overall.
By providing Full Spectrum Hemp Extract products, rich in CBD and other healing phytocannabinoids, that are of the highest in quality and potency, I hope to provide some relief and ease to those who are in search of healing and to create a platform to empower you to become a hero to your own circumstances through whole plant medicine.
With Gratitude,
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