Led by an Integrative Medical Physician and a Clinical Researcher, we are a team of kindred spirits from all walks of life who share the same values and a unique passion and purpose.
We believe that with less pain and suffering of the mind, body or spirit, hope resurfaces and innate healing follows.
We believe in the power of love and the power to self-heal. We believe in giving back to the community, and have a deep respect for Mother Nature and all living things. We believe that our journey has led us to become heroes to our circumstances.
Our humble mission is to simply share with the world the healing power of our premiunm hemp extract through our competitive sales channels and uniquely through our Superheroes Grants, Crowdfunding Programs, and non-profit affiliations, so everyone can have access to the healing power of the phytocannabinoids (including CBD) found in hemp.
By empowering you to use this plant-based medicinal tool to become “a hero to your circumstances,” we aim to eradicate the opiate and benzodiazepine epidemic that has plagued the our nation.
Join us on a journey, heal yourself and help heal the world!
Sponsor CBD research, with an end goal to develop proprietary hemp-derived CBD medicinal products.
Provide hemp-derived CBD products to the undeserved community in need.
Support community based non-profit programs through a unique sales affiliate program.
Provide credible information about phytocannabinoids and other holistic health resources.
No orders shall be fulfilled at this time through this website during our pre-launch period. For inquiries, please contact us at info@hempandheroes.com Dismiss