
An Update On Safety & Side Effects Of Cannabidiol

” This review could substantiate and expand the findings of Bergamaschi et al. about CBD favorable safety profile. Nonetheless, various areas of CBD research should be extended. First, more studies researching CBD side effects after real chronic administration need to be conducted. Many so-called chronic administration studies, cited here were only a couple of weeks long. Second, many trials were conducted with a small number of individuals only. To perform a throrough general safety evaluation, more individuals have to be recruited into future clinical trials. Third, several aspects of a toxicological evaluation of a compound such as genotoxicity studies and research evaluating CBD effect on hormones are still scarce. Especially, chronic studies on CBD effect on, for example, genotoxicity and the immune system are still missing. Last, studies that evaluate whether CBD-drug interactions occur in clinical trials have to be performed.

In conclusion, CBD safety profile is already established in a plethora of ways.
However, some knowledge gaps detailed above should be closed by additional clinical trials to have a completely well-tested pharmaceutical compound.”

Source: Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. An Update On Safety & Side Effects Of Cannabidiol: A Review Of Clinical Data And Relevant Animal Studies. 2017; 2(1): 139–154. Published online 2017 Jun 1. doi: 10.1089/can.2016.0034 PMCID: PMC5569602 PMID: 28861514

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