Have You Juice Fast ?

The body has the ability to detox itself very sufficiently. I was taught early on by my preceptor during medical school, best selling author, Dr. Andrew Weil, that detoxing on a daily basis is generally ideal.

By eating a non-inflammatory diet, implementing a good cardiovascular exercise routine (like swimming, biking, brisk walking, etc.) five times a week and reducing stress by practicing meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga or other forms of mind body work, the body should be in balance.

Once in a while when I feel sluggish, I set out one day to drink only fresh juice and water to give my digestive system a rest.

You can safely perform a juice fast for one to three days, but before you begin, please consult with your health care practitioner.

According to Dr. Weil, when you restrict your food intake, it basically frees up energy that your digestive organs would consume otherwise. He recommended a “juice fast,” because unlike a “water-only fast” it is unlikely to cause side effects as lightheartedness, fatigue, or headaches. In general, when starting a juice fast, be sure to pick a time when you know your activity will not be as strenuous as usual.

During your juice fast, drink at minimum four eight to twelve-ounce glasses of juice and plenty of pure water (at least four eight-ounce glasses per day) or water with a slice of lemon or un-sweeten herbal tea. Ideally, prepare your own juice from a juicer or buy a good organic brand at your local market. I consume mostly vegetable juice since fruit juice is higher in sugar content.

On the day after your juice fast, be sure to eat lightly and slowly and eat whole fruits and vegetables. 

Note, please do not juice fast if you are diabetic, with a chronic or serious medical condition, pregnant, or nursing.

Namaste, Dr. Laura

A green juice is not self-care if it’s meant to starve not nourish. ― Ashley Asti,

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